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  • [Registrant] : 大網白里市
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 大網白里市
  • Posted : 2024/03/10
  • Published : 2024/03/10
  • Changed :2024/03/10
  • Total View : 259 persons

[Drill ( Evacuation Instructions )] Conducting the 2023 Tsunami Evacuation Drill in Ooamishirasato City

This is Disaster Prevention Ooamishirasato.

■ Emergency Information
・ Kujukuri, Chiba Prefecture ・ A major tsunami warning has been issued for the Outer Boso Coast
・ Evacuate immediately
・ Move as far away from the coast as possible to higher ground

Avoid flooded area and evacuate
*People requiring evacuation assistance should evacuate by car with their families and communities

■ Areas subject to evacuation orders
Hakusato district ・ Fukuoka district ( Excluding Kita Yoshida District )

*This is a drill.

Ooamishirasato City Mail Distribution Service

Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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